Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saibaba Temple - live darshan


vijay kumar sappatti said...

om sai ...shri sai ...jai jai sai...

vidhya said...

om sai

लिकं है
अगर आपको love everbody का यह प्रयास पसंद आया हो, तो कृपया फॉलोअर बन कर हमारा उत्साह अवश्य बढ़ाएँ।

G.N.SHAW said...

my sai is great

services said...

You are great sairam. You have assured that no harm shall befall him who turns his attention towards you. So we faithfully patiently and reverentially bow before you…place our head at your feet and thank you for presence in our life’s. All baba temple trust